Sunday, June 20, 2010

So, besides film, I do comics. Yes ! and they're graphic novels too. I've always liked comics. they have been a passion read for many years. I have started to limit my choices in what I read and moved from reading superheroes and fantasy comics to more social graphic novels, and I liked the way they were drawn and how they took from real life to shine a light on human condition. They inspired me to start sketching on my own. I examined photographs and films and started to do some of my own. But working on my own graphic stories wasn't a continuos work , until recently I decided to do something about it and put my head to it. I sketched some and started to learn things on my own in order to improve it - and still am.

I have now completed a one piece story titled ' Can't Sleep' and I should publish it here soon. Another one in the pipeline and a third one still in development.

Kareat al Funjan قارئة الفنجان

... and while Abdel Halim Hafez was singing ' Kareat al Funjan' ( Coffee- Cup reader), the prominent poet , Nizar Kabani, who wrote the song, was an attendee listening in. He enjoyed Halim's performance and the fine tuned music composed by Mohamed al Mouji.